“Sustainable New Urban Mobility”
This month we interviewed Philipp Rode, Executive
Director of LSE Cities and Senior Research Fellow at the London School
of Economics and Political Science. We have asked him to talk about
their recent report "Towards New Urban Mobility" and what their findings
mean for the future of mobility in the EU. You can read the full
interview by following the link below. We also recommend reading the
report itself.
You described three types of trends towards new urban mobility, i.e.
international base or national base? Which of the trends are more
decisive and why?
Rode: Describing an international trend approach, which
gives us a broader view of transport. I sometimes describe it as an
Schizophrenic situation: we are seeing at the moment, clearly on a
global level, we are very much in a period of rapid motorization.
Particularly in a development world context, emerging economies, more
cars are being sold i.e. emerging wealth levels, which has shifted
towards a type of motorised mobility. Which in many OECD countries and
cities have already experienced its peak over the last ten/fifteen
years. At that point there is no longer an increase in an motorisation
perspective. ...