Here are suggestions ranging from the grand to the everyday. Pick one or two (or five) and run with them.
Make the big changes
- Move to a sustainable community.
- Switch to green energy.
- Use public transit.
- Weatherize your home.
- Cool your home naturally.
- Eat less meat. (Yes, this will help with climate change.)
Make the small changes
- Save energy in the laundry room.
- Maintain your car and other equipment.
- Drive less; bike or walk more.
- Repair belongings instead of replacing them.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle.
- Buy products made of recycled materials.
- Turn lights off when not in use.
- Reduce waste from energy vampires.
- Use trusty manual devices (can openers, toothbrushes) instead of electrical ones.
- Dress for the season instead of relying on heat or A/C to make you comfortable.
Get the right equipment
And plant trees!