Vorträge vom 24. Juni
| Introduction - Jürgen Resch, Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. | 24 K |
| Anders_Levermann_Climate_Change__check_against_delivery_.pdf New Results from the Climate Change Science - Dr. Anders Levermann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | 18.5 M |
| Michael_Walsh_Global_Trenda_in_Motor_Vehicle_Pollution_Control.pdf Short Overview - Michael Walsh, ICCT | 2.7 M |
| Lew_Fulton_Energy_Technology_Perspectives_2008_Transport_Highlights.pdf Energy Outlook - Lew Fulton, International Energy Agency | 2.0 M |
| Leonora_Roja-Bracho_Transport_Development_in_Latin__America.pdf Transport Development in Latin America - Leonora Roja-Brancho, Instituto Nacional de Ecología, México | 1.6 M |
| Gabriel_Branco_Environmental_impacts_of_Mobility_Evolution_in_Brazil.pdf Transport Development in Latin America - Gabriel Branco, Institute del Medio Ambiente del Estado Imae, Brasil | 361 K |
| Guenter_Hoermandinger_Transport_Development_in_Europe.pdf Transport Development in Europe - Dr. Günter Hörmandinger, European Commission, DG Environment | 1.1 M |
| Geetam_Tiwari_Urban_Transport_in_India_Present_and_Future.pdf Challenges in India - Geetam Tiwari, Indian Institue of Technology IIT | 1.1 M |
| Cornie_Huizenga_Short_overview_on_the_overall_case_for_Asia.pdf Short Overview on the overall Asian case - Cornie Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities | 3.1 M |
| Drew_Kojak_Air_Pollution_from_Ocean-going_Ships_and_Commercial_Aviation.pdf Air pollution from Commercial Marine and Aviation - Drew Kodjak, ICCT | 3.1 M |
Vorträge vom 25. Juni
| Rudolf_Petersen_Transort_Demand_Reduction__TDR_.pdf The Role of the Planning Processes - Prof. Rudolf M. Petersen | 2.2 M |
| Joachim_Kettner_the_Role_of_Railways_to_reduce_Climate_Gas_Emission.pdf The Role of Railways to reduce Climate Gas Emission - Joachim Kettner, Deutsche Bahn AG | 639 K |
| Walter_Hook__The_Politics_of_Shifting_to_Cleaner_Travel_Modes.pdf Modal Shift - An important Part of the Solution - Walter Hook, Institute for Transport & Development Policy ITDP | 14.2 M |
| Wiebke_Zimmer_Technical_Reduction_Possibilities_and_Goals.pdf Technical Reduction - Possibilities and Goals - Dr. Wiebke Zimmer, Eco Institute Berlin | 1.4 M |
| Uwe_Fritsche_The_Role_of_Biofuels.pdf The Future Role of Bio Fuels - Uwe Fritsche, Eco Institute Darmstadt | 1.4 M |
| Horst_Fehrenbach_The_future_role_of_biofuels.pdf The Future Role of Bio Fuels - Horst Fehrenbach, IFEU Institut Heidelberg | 611 K |
| Peter_Wiederkehr_Lessons_learned_Guidelines_for_moving_towards_EST.pdf The international EST Project: Experience and Lessons learned ten Years after its Inception - Dr. Peter Wiederkehr, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Austria | 1.2 M |
| Robert_Thaler_klima_aktiv_mobil.pdf Towards climate-friendly Mobility in Austria: Initiatives and Programs to reduce CO2 from Transport - Dr. Robert Thaler, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Austria | 1.6 M |
| Ruprecht_Brandis_Fuels_and_Climate_Protection.pdf Speakers from the Auto and Oil Industry - Dr. Ruprecht Brandis, Deutsche BP | 1.2 M |
| Jos_Dings_Transport_and_Climate_Change-to_do_and_not_to_do.pdf Transport and Climate Change – the Way forward - Jos Dings, Transport & Environment | 496 K |
| Alan_Lloyd_Implications_of_longer_term_Policy.pdf Implications of longer Term Policy - Alan Lloyd, ICCT | 730 K |
| Petersen__Hook__Zimmer__Fritsche_discussion_paper.pdf Discussion Paper - Rudolf Petersen (Wuppertal Institute), Walter Hook (Institute for Transportation & Development Policy), Dr. Wiebke Zimmer and Uwe Fritsche (Eco Institute) | 857 K |