Spread Peace in Small Ways
When I was younger, I thought I had to do or be involved with something really big to make a difference and spread peace. Now I believe that I have the ability to create peace on earth every day with every person I come in contact with. Sometimes just a smile can bring peace to someone. I believe the little things matter.
Staying out of the gossip at work, not reacting to the mean driver behind me on the way home, listening to someone who needs to talk, doing what I can to help those around me. I also think that teaching my son by example to be tolerant of others' beliefs and practices is very important. I may not be able to bring peace to the whole world, but I can work on bringing peace to my little corner of it.
– siren_of_titan
Help Seniors and Their Caregivers
I am the lucky one, that's for sure, that I get to be a part of the lives of the elderly. It is such a joy to make a difference in their lives. They have lost so much, yet experienced so much, and deserve to have some compassion in their lives as they deal with what they have to deal with now, on a daily basis.
Prevent Accidents
Foster a Child
If you asked me six months into my foster parenting experience, I'd have said, "No! Run and hide! Find another way to be a good person." But ask me now, and I'll tell you it's one of the best things I've ever done in my life, to take in a very at-risk teenager. This is a story with a wonderfully happy ending.
Our formerly troubled foster daughter is now 19, a freshman in college (we paid the tuition and books)...Three weeks ago she was baptized in our church. She had asked my husband and me to be her godparents. What an honor to us! Every Sunday night we chat on the phone with her as well our other grown kids.
We were "friends in need" to these young people. It was very, very hard at times to be so -- but oh, yes, it is definitely something I am so very, very glad we did. Our relationship with these young women will undoubtedly last forever.
Act Locally
Write a Living Will
Respect the Earth
I find that being an environmentalist has been a tough, responsible job! I can no longer be unconscious about my "habits" anymore. I can't help but feel that my actions affect the whole. Over time what started out as a gradual way of doing things have ended up as lifestyle changes (some major!). Even so, there's no turning back and pretending not to notice.
Find Your Cause
Make Friends Around the World