This is the focal point of the “Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe” (VCSE) Project, co-financed under the eLearning 2006 Program (2007-2009), European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The VCSE-partners -the University of Macedonia (GR), the Open University of the Netherlands (NL), the University of Graz (AT), the University of Lüneburg (DE), the Charles University in Prague (CZ)- have joint their extensive know-how and comprehensive technical expertise in order to promote the practice of “e-learning” for sustainability issues at a wider audience among other European Higher Academic Institutes, stakeholders and decision-makers.
The main anticipated results of the "Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe" Project are:
- Setting up a "Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe";
- Virtual mobility between students, technical and academic staff of partners’ universities;
- Virtual mobility between local "actors" on sustainability issues (local/regional "e-learning networks");
- Information dissemination and sensitization of general public by the partners’ universities;
- Physical mobility between technical, academic staff of partners’ universities and local "actors" during the "European Summer School for a Sustainable Future";
- Enlargement of VSCE from 5 to 15 universities
- Dissemination of VSCE-model to 20 universities;
- Committed decision makers and staff / practitioners to establish virtual campuses at their institutions
Our ambition is that the "Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe" Network will expand further, in order to possess the technical and thematic know-how both on e-learning and sustainable education, the financial capacity and the power of decision to proceed with the establishment of an actual knowledge-based society for a sustainable Europe.