Resilience is that steely strength, that net that catches us, those arms that support us when our world falls apart. It is that will or spirit that encourages us to carry on.
From the unfazed to the deeply concerned, how do we help build resilience in our students? One way is to show them that they are not alone.
We are thrilled to be one of the first organizations to share Global Oneness Project’s education resources, including two free DVDs of its greatest film shorts.
What does “oneness” have to do with your students’ lives and the world?
The 11 lessons and 200 exercises from Living Oneness: Restoring Wholeness in a Fragmented World will inspire your students to better understand the importance of oneness in their own lives, community, and the world. In action, oneness is about service and stewardship.
The study guide may be downloaded in its entirety or by chapter, using the links below. For high school and university students.
Download Complete Study Guide in PDF format.
Oneness is more than just seeing holistically; it's seeing the big picture and what's hidden. The consciousness of oneness reminds us how to live with ourselves and each other.
- Our Future As A Multiracial Society
A racially just, inclusive, and even loving society is still possible, says a YES! Magazine panel of visionaries.
When we start to wonder what we can offer life, rather than focusing on what we need to get from it, we begin working with the forces that are already working for the whole. We begin living oneness.
- Anthropology 101: How to Change the World
Professor Tom Murphy's students work beside farmers, fisherman, wastewater technicians, and Native American leaders through an award-winning service learning program.
When we align our hearts with our minds and our actions, we open a door for these living qualities not only to support our relationships, but to sanctify everything we do.
These aren't just people in paintings looking at you. They are people imploring you to listen and act.
Personal Resilience - Identity, Worldview, and Service
Jayesh Patel, founder of the Indian NGO Manav Sadhna, shows us how the Gandhian principles inspiring the organization are put into practice in the vast slums of Ahmedabad.
- Barefoot College Photo Essay
The Barefoot College of Tilonia India began in 1972 with the conviction that solutions to rural problems lie within the community.
Seva, or service, is the selfless giving of oneself for the betterment of others and the world around. At Seva Cafe, the concept of service takes the form of a "pay it forward" restaurant, where every meal is cooked and served with love.
- The Power of Food
Providing food for people in need—regardless of whether they are "deserving" is a central part of Sara Miles' spiritual journey.
Community Resilience - Social Justice, Community Building
Youth worker Nelsa Libertad Curbelo Cora describes the inspiration behind Barrio de Paz (Peace Town), a non-violent youth movement in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Barrio de Paz brings together street gangs and provides services to this struggling community.
- Healing Power of Prison Poetry
Writers help teens in jail learn to express difficult truths by putting pencil to paper.
In the inner city of Johannesburg, The GreenHouse Project is turning one urban park into a seedbed for sustainable communities. The program takes a holistic approach to the city's challenges, integrating green building and design, efficient and renewable energy, recycling, organic farming, and nutrition.
- Living Building 2.0 Aims for a Green, Just Built Environment
What if buildings, communities, and infrastructure projects were designed to be beautiful, socially just, and as gentle on the environment as plants are?
Place-based Resilience - Sustainability, Relocalization
Stephan Fayon, director of an international seed bank in Auroville, India, explains how preserving the diversity of seeds ensures against the breakdown of large-scale industrial agriculture.
- Haitian Farmers Refuse Monsanto Hybrid Seeds
A coalition of peasant farmers is standing up for food sovereignty.
Anshu Gupta is the founder of Goonj, a volunteer-run recycling center in New Delhi that recycles garments to provide clothes, schoolbags, sanitary napkins, and other amenities for India’s poor. Anshu offers a heartfelt appeal to be mindful of the unused clothing taking space in your closet right now, and what a treasure it could be for someone in need.
- Share Your Stuff
From socks to cars to skills, how sharing and swapping gives you more.
Special note on free DVDs:
Film Library Volumes I and II on DVD, plus their accompanying discussion and action guides, are available for free download at Global Oneness Project Education. The DVDs are comprised of short films hand picked by Global Oneness staff. DVDs can also be ordered from Global Oneness Project’s Organize a Screening.THEMES and FILM RESOURCES
Global Oneness Project theme pages are a feast of everything you wanted to know about a certain something, delivered on a silver platter. These “something’s” are subjects worthy of discussion, such as our relationship to the land, material greed, our diets, and expressions of generosity. Anchored by short essays, these pages burst with enticing extras of photography, video, quotes and related articles.
Film Library DVDs are free and include question and action guides. Engage your community! Global Oneness has put together a selection of its short films on two DVDs and will send one to you for free anywhere in the world if you agree to gather 10 or more people for your film screening.
LEARN: Global Oneness Themes
WATCH: Film Library Volume I [See right side of page]
VISIT: Film Library Volume II [See right side of page]
DO: Organize a film screening
Global Oneness Project is devoted to exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world. Since 2006, the project has traveled the globe finding inspiring stories of oneness practiced by everyday people devoted to taking care of our shared world. These powerful narratives are conveyed through the brilliance of film and essays.
Photos courtesy of Global Oneness Project.
What relevance does it have for my life and the world?
If you're ready to deepen your understanding and experience of oneness – what it is, why it's important, and what it means to live oneness in your own life, community, and the world – we invite you to download our new study guide, Living Oneness: Restoring Wholeness in a Fragmented World.
With eleven chapters and over 200 exercises, it is available for free using the links below. Download the entire document or by chapter (in PDF and soon in multiple e-book formats). We're offering it to individuals, study groups, educators, business people, and anyone inspired to better understand and apply a way of being in the world that is ultimately about service and stewardship.
If you're ready to deepen your understanding and experience of oneness – what it is, why it's important, and what it means to live oneness in your own life, community, and the world – we invite you to download our new study guide, Living Oneness: Restoring Wholeness in a Fragmented World.
With eleven chapters and over 200 exercises, it is available for free using the links below. Download the entire document or by chapter (in PDF and soon in multiple e-book formats). We're offering it to individuals, study groups, educators, business people, and anyone inspired to better understand and apply a way of being in the world that is ultimately about service and stewardship.
- Individual Chapters