On Tuesday, October 15th, Earth Charter International is offering a free webinar on Education for Sustainable Development and Transformative Learning. In this webinar, panelists will talk about transformative learning and how education for sustainable development promotes cultural transformations. The expert panelists are Daniella Tilbury (University of Gloucestershire), Mark Hathaway (writer and researcher from OISE/Toronto University), and Dr. Sam Crowell (California State University in San Bernardino). The session will be moderated by Earth Charter International Executive Director Mirian Vilela.
This webinar is a prelude to the January 2014 executive program: Education and Values for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter. This program and this webinar are organized by the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development and fall under the aegis of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter.
You can access the webinar at 4PM UTC/GMT on October 15th through the following link (Please remember to check your local time):
Then click on the "Launch Class" button, type your name and country (e.g. MaryCanada) and then enter the virtual room. Requirements: Have Adobe Flashplayer installed, audio input and output, and a good internet connection.
We look forward to welcoming you to this special webinar and please feel free to pass the message along.
About the panelists:Professor Daniella Tilbury is internationally recognized for her research in the areas of sustainability leadership and organizational change as well as in education and learning for sustainability. Her PhD research undertaken at the University of Cambridge was the first to look at institutional development for sustainability within higher education (1993). In 2012, Daniella led the development of the 'Rio+20 Sustainability in Higher Education Treaty' which was signed by over 80 higher education agencies and organizations and informed dialogues at the UN Summit. Daniella serves as Chair of the UNESCO's Global Monitoring and Evaluation Expert's Group which advises on the assessment of global progress during the UN Decade in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). In this capacity, she framed the first and second UN Global Reports on ESD. She led the IUCN-UNESCO Asia Pacific ESD Indicators Project and the UNESCO research into Good Practices in Cultural Diversity and ESD. Daniella is the UK government nominated member of the UNECE Expert Group on ESD Competences. Daniella has over 100 books and refereed articles and has given keynote addresses in conferences across the globe. Most significantly, she was a keynote speaker at the UN World Conference in ESD (Bonn 2009);the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg 2002) and Rio+20 (Brazil 2012). She is a University Director at the University of Gloucestershire and holds a Chair in Sustainability. Professor Tilbury has received numerous awards and recognitions for her work and dedication in the field of ESD.
Mark Hathaway is an author and adult educator who researches, writes, and speaks about the interconnections between ecology, economics, social justice, spirituality, and cosmology. Together with Leonardo Boff, he is the author of The Tao of Liberation: Exploring the Ecology of Transformation. Mark has extensive experience in ecumenical justice work and has studied mathematics, physics, spirituality, and transformative education. He holds a Masters Degree in Adult Education from The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto) and has published a wide variety of articles related to ecology, spirituality, and social justice in books and periodicals. He is currently completing a PhD at the University of Toronto. Mark's current research, supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, explores the processes of transformative learning involved in developing an ecological worldview and in cultivating ecological wisdom.
Dr. Sam Crowell is professor emeritus of education at California State University–San Bernardino and a founder and co-director of the MA in Holistic and Integrative Education and the Center for Holistic and Integrative Learning. He has worked as an elementary school teacher, a principal, an administrator, and a university professor. He considers himself a holistic educator and an advocate of the artistry of teaching. He has been actively engaged with Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter and co-authored the book, “The Re-Enchantment of Learning: A Manual for Teacher Renewal and Classroom Transformation” published by Corwin Press, and just released his new book, "Emergent Teaching: A Path of Creativity, Significance, and Transformation".