Saturday, September 5, 2009

2012- A Time of Change?

ariane.debonvoisin's picture

There’s been quite a bit of talk about 2012 and whether some dramatic change is going to face the world, the planet, each of us individually. I wanted to share a few thoughts about what I know, what I’ve read and what I personally choose to believe about this subject. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, keep reading!

The Mayans were an ancient civilization that created a calendar (the Mayan calendar) which has been right about major shifts, climactic events over the past 5000 years on planet Earth. The calendar ends on the 21 December 2012. Hmmm. This has led many to question what might happen after that? Why does the calendar end then? Some have gone to extremes to say it’s the end of the world. (There’s an app in the iPhone store that counts down the days till then.) Astronomers factually state that on that same day, there is an alignment of planets that only happens every 26,000 years and could cause dramatic shifts in our Earth’s climate or poles, or magnetic fields. So, those two elements are what we know.

Here is what I believe. The energy of 2012 is already happening now. Everyone can feel that change is happening all around. This kind of planetary change has been present for a while now. Many people are starting to raise their consciousness, their ability to connect with the light and not the dark. They are choosing faith over fear. They are moving more from their head to their heart. This is contributing to the elevation of the Earth’s general vibration. Spiritual teachers say we are shifting from the third to the fifth dimension, a dimension that will embody more joy, more of our divine nature, more connection and unity between human beings as opposed to discord and despair, more remembrance of who we really are, what is our divine essence, and whether we have a collective memory of why we are here. There are more “light workers” as they have been described than ever before. People trying to make a difference, contributing more love and kindness on the planet than ever before.

Is it the end of the world? No. It may be the end of one type of world we have been living in. An end to the way we work to doing things we love, an end to 95% of the world’s wealth being controlled by 5% of the population, perhaps a shift in how we think of and utilize money. Perhaps there will be more of a dramatic change in how we think about our health, medicine, and food. We may be leaving one world behind only for a better world that awaits.

How do we prepare for this shift? By connecting more from our hearts, from a place of trust, from going with what our intuition tells us, not our minds, by learning to let go, put the past in the past, by forgiving finally, by being not attached to material things, by not having any expectations only of how life should be. If indeed we are going from one world to another, we must all learn not to cling or regret this world we are leaving and just go with the flow, go with where things are taking us now. Treat your body better, it’s the harbour for your life force. Strengthen it. Eat better, stay hydrated. Concentrate on cleansing so your immune system will be strong.

Overall, in other words, just be in the present, now, this moment. Bring as much love and light to any situation you find yourself in, at home or at work. Contribute more light to this planet in all that you do. All is well.

Read more inspiration and expert advice for any change in your life at her website