Thanks chi Hai Yen for inviting me and your awaking sharing sessons as well as our 2hrs deep talk in the bus. There are some Key Takeaway from today lesson:
The door of students have to be opened otherwise we can not go into them to teach, talk or change anything. To make it happens we have to have growth mindset, emotional approach and role model.
For different students with different learning style, we should figure out what works best for them or at least, try to diversify learning approaches in one lesson from media with the involement of 6 senses, movement, learn on context (storytelling, play a play,...) or ask to repeat...
Instead of focus too much on the weaknesses to change them, why dont we concentrate more on the strengths to develop it. Then somehow, the weaknesses will fade out and disappear.
Human behaviour is driven by emotions, so it is extremely important to understand and manage emotions.
Intrinsic motivation vs external motivation. Growth mindset vs Deficit mindset.
"We judge when we dont understand" You can not hate anyone after you know their whole story.
Our childhood and childhood trauma play crucial role on shaping who we are. Understand them help us understand our people more.
The Human Library™ is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue.
The Human Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers.
A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.
The Human Library or “Menneskebiblioteket” as it is called in Danish, was developed in Copenhagen in the spring of 2000 as a project for Roskilde Festival by Ronni Abergel and his brother Dany and colleagues Asma Mouna and Christoffer Erichsen.
The original event was open eight hours a day for four days straight and featured over fifty different titles. The broad selection of books provided readers with ample choice to challenge their stereotypes and so they did. More than a thousand readers took advantage leaving books, librarians, organisers and readers stunned at the impact of the Human Library.
Once upon a time in Copenhagen, Denmark. There was a young and idealistic youth organisation called “Stop The Violence”.
This non-governmental youth movement was self initiated by the youngsters Dany Abergel, Asma Mouna, Christoffer Erichsen and Ronni Abergel from Copenhagen after a mutual friend was stabbed in the nightlife (1993). The brutal attack on their friend, who luckily survived, made the group decide to try and do something about the problem. To raise awareness and use peer group education to mobilize danish youngsters against violence. In a few years time the organization had 30.000 members all over the country.
In 2000 Stop The Violence was encouraged by then festival director, Mr. Leif Skov, to develop some activities for Roskilde Festival. Events that would put focus on anti-violence, encourage dialogue and help to build positive relations among the festival visitors. The Human Library was born, as a challenge to the crowds of Northern Europes biggest summer festival.
One of the main concerns of the creators inventors was what would happen if people would not get the point? Or if the audience just simply did not want to be challenged on their prejudices? Well given that there was a total of 75 books available, the conclusion was that with so many different people together in a rather small space for a long time, then they are bound to start reading each other if no readers come. And so it was to become. Before the first reader could take out a book, the talks where already going on extensively and the feeling of something very special was in the air. The policeman sitting there speaking with the graffiti writer. The politician in discussions with the youth activist and the football fan in a deep chat with the feminist. It was a win-win situation and has been ever since.
One of the creators, Ronni Abergel, realising the potential of the idea, decided after the first event, to begin to work to promote the idea to potential new organizers. Since then he has founded the Human Library Organization, produced a guide to new organizers with the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Council of Europe. Travelled to many countries to help train new local organizers, plan launch events and present the idea to interested organizations and public authorities. Today it is estimated that the Human Library has been presented in more than 7o countries around the world, most of them in partnership with local organizers.
Further to having good partners to realize the project. The Human Library has another advantage to organizers around the world. Its not very expensive and can be organized no matter how big or small your budget is. The biggest ressource needed to facilitate a Human Library is time and idle hands to do the tasks. And due to this great quality it has been possible to stage events in a wide range of countries and with very little funding. This feature has made it possible to present Human Libraries in Romania, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Italy, Holland, Slovenia, Belgium, Portugal and Australia – to mention a few.
Setting up a Theory of Change is like making a roadmap that outlines the steps by which you plan to achieve your goal. It helps you define whether your work is contributing towards achieving the impact you envision, and if there is another way that you need to consider as well.
The Theory of Change tool not only helps to clearly articulate and connect your work to your bigger goal, it also allows you to spot potential risks in your plan by sharing the underlying assumptions in each step. In large organisations, when there may be several projects running simultaneously, the Theory of Change helps to map these different projects first and then consider how they link and relate to each other.
This tool can also aid in aligning team members to the larger end goal, and help them understand their role in achieving it.
Start by noting down the main problem you want to solve, and also your long term vision on the change you want to accomplish. Then complete the other boxes, such as your key audience and your entry point to reach that audience. Try to be as specific as possible because it will help you to come up with more effective actions that you can take.
Work outwards from your defining problem, and towards your long-term impact. Write down the people that are most affected by the issue that you’ve identified and who you hope to help with your work – this could be a small community group or a large organisation. Then think about where to start your work, you may need to find a place, a person or a thing that will be your first port of call. Try to think of some practical steps that you can take to make changes – like creating partnerships, or making tweaks to existing processes. Try to keep these as action-oriented as possible.
And finally, what would the immediate results or outcomes be? These could be tangible results that you can show to other people to clarify how your work is making a difference. List the key outcomes that your activity would lead to: these are the preconditions that you need to realise your vision.
As you fill each of the boxes in the worksheet, it is critical to also reflect on the key assumptions that underpin these steps in your work. This may help you to spot potential risks or connections between the different projects.
Actions to Address Global Challenge 1:
U.S.-China Apollo-Like Goal, with a NASA-Like R&D program to achieve it, that others can join; if U.S. falters, then an EU-China Goal should be pursued.
Produce meat, milk, leather, and other animal products directly from genetic materials without growing animals: Saves energy, land, water, health costs, and greenhouse gases.
Seawater/saltwater agriculture.
Increase vegetarian diets.
Retrofit older cities to Eco-smart Cities and build new additions as Eco-smart Cities.
Continue policies that reduce fertility rates in high population growth areas.
Reduce energy per unit of GDP.
Increase forest coverage.
Transition from fossil to renewable energy sources (see Global Challenge 13 for more detail and for current global status).
Disinvest into fossil fuels
Introduce cap-and-trade systems.
Establish carbon taxes.
Engage arts/media/entertainment to foster work/lifestyle changes.
Train community resilience teams.
Make long-range coastal evacuation and migration plans.
Evaluate geo-engineering options.
Actions to Address Global Challenge 2:
Increase R&D for lower cost of desalination.
Invest in the development of wastewater products such as fertilizer, algae (for biofuel and feeding shrimp), and recovering nitrogen and phosphorus.
Implement WHO and UNESCO plans for universal water and sanitation access.
Manage all aspects of water resources to promote efficiency, equity, and sustainable development (integrated water management).
Create and promote smart phone apps to show water used to make products.
Produce animal products from genetic materials without growing animals.
Invest in seawater/saltwater agricultural development.
Promote Increased vegetarian diets.
Mass-produce electrochemical wastewater treatment solar power toilets.
Develop point-of-use water-purification technology.
Actions to Address Global Challenge 3:
Support policies to improve child survival, family planning, and girls’ education.
Improve methods that strengthen age differential intergenerational transfers to secure skills and employment for youth and care and services for the elderly.
Implement the UN Urban Agenda.
Integrate urban sensors, mesh networks, and intelligent software to create smarter cities that let citizens help in urban improvements.
Increase training in resilience, disaster forecasting, and management.
Teach urban systems ecology.
Increase R&D in saltwater agriculture (halophytes) on coastlines to produce food for humans and animals, biofuels, and pulp for the paper industry as well as to absorb CO2, which also reduces the drain on freshwater agriculture and increases employment.
Improve rain-fed agriculture and irrigation management.
Invest in precision agriculture and aquaculture.
Produce pure meat without growing animals (demonstrated in 2013).
Genetic engineering for higher-yielding and drought-tolerant crops.
Reduce food losses from farm to mouth (one-third or 1.3 billion tons of agricultural production is wasted each year).[1]
Plant sea grass to bring back wild fish populations along the coastlines.
Expand insect production for animal feed and human diets (insects have low environmental impact per nutrition, and 2 billion people already supplement their diet with insects today).
Encourage vegetarianism.
Build floating cities for ocean wind & solar energy, agriculture, and fish farms.
Accelerate R&D for safe nanotechnology to help reduce material use per unit of output while increasing quality.
This is a full and free version available for all users in English. This is where you will learn many different lessons on meditation and personal development without any charge!
SDP is a rich pool of knowledge about the development of inner peace that you can learned through:
Guided meditation videos
Daily video provided for you to watch and follow the instruction on meditation step by step
Meditation Journal
A space to record your own meditation experience where you can consult your personal Peace Coach who will mentor you along your self-development journey.
Acts of Self-Discipline
Different lessons on how we can easily cut bad habits with little daily effort.
Daily Reflection
A feature for you to keep track of your own self-development.
Tools for Systems Thinkers: Designing Circular Systems
is Interconnected, our lungs and plants share the same fractal design
and our bodies are made of the same organic material that is in
our food.
Over the last five chapters in this series on tools for systems thinkers, I have looked at fundamental concepts, feedback loops, dominant archetypes and shared systems mapping tools.
I have worked on synthesizing the critical tools that assist with the
development of a more three-dimensional perspective of how the world
works. By no means have I covered it all, but I hope to have helped
ignite curiosity around the power of a systems-based perspective and the
opportunity that we all have in learning to love complex problems and
embrace challenges in more proactive ways.
the final chapter of this series, I cover some of the ways that
thinking in systems can transition us to a circular economy.
Specifically, I discuss how we can design circular systems that
facilitate sustainable and regenerative outcomes. For a more detailed
introduction to these concepts, take a look at the Circular Systems Design Activation Pack we created.
On Design
let me say that while I am a designer and advocate for professionals to
make intentional sustainability and systems based contributions through
their creative productions, when I say ‘design’ in this piece, I am
referring to design as the common practice of producing ‘things’. This
can be anything — artifacts, conversations, or policies, all of which
have impacts on the world. From supermarket designs, to government
regulations, to how we design our own lives, these are all the product
of design — the intent to direct or construct the world in a particular
is a conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order. Design
is both the underlying matrix of order and the tool that creates it. — Victor Papanek
have written and spoken extensively on the role that design plays in
scripting out lives, influencing our minds and curating our experience
of the world (see here, here, here and here).
some cases ‘designs’ have massive impacts, and in others, only minor
roles. Nonetheless, everyday design is the act of creating something
new, so let’s dive into how we can design circular systems that build in
intentionally for positive impacts on people and the planet.
never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller
The Circular Economy
For many people the term ‘circular economy’
is still new, so allow me to briefly explain what this is all about.
Our current economy is based on a linear system of production where we
take raw materials and natural resources out of nature, process them
into usable goods to meet human needs, and then discard them back into
giant holes in the ground that, ironically, were often where we took the
raw materials from to begin with.
entire system is in opposition to the natural systems that sustain life
on Earth — which are circular and regenerative — and it’s
counterintuitive to the way we function as living organisms (for example
we all require nutrients to survive, which is part of the beautifully
designed system of nutrients cycling through bodies and back into the
ground to grow the next generation of food, this nutrient cycle is one
of the fundamental ecosystems that sustain life on Earth).
humans designed a broken system that creates waste and constantly loses
value through the economy. Our linear economy does not fit in a
circular world.
opposite to a linear system is a circular one. When you use the natural
world as a design reference, you quickly see that everything not only
plays a role, but also puts back in what it took out.
organisms in nature, as well as the principles that nature plays by,
are regenerative; humans, however, design systems that are the exception
to this rule. Herein lies the problem that the circular economy
movement, and many other attempts (cleaner production, eco design, life
cycle assessment, industrial ecology etc.), that have come before, have
tried to address.
attempts have all worked hard to solve the complex puzzle of meeting
humanity’s growing needs while not screwing up the life support systems
that both nourish all living organisms (thank you food, air, and water)
but work effortlessly in amazingl complex ways to make life happen on
this magical ball of water and soil that we all share.
could go on and on about this missing link in our current economic and
social structures, the design mistakes that perpetuate it, how our
education system devalues circularity and prioritizes reductionism… But
right now I’m going to invest this time in the more interesting part,
where we figure out how to not make
a mess of this beautiful planet and instead, start to design out waste
and find unique ways of being a productive contributor to the planet (to
this end I am working on a project for a post disposable future, check it out here).
Everything is Interconnected
of this all boils down to the simple reality that we all have an
intuitive understanding of — everything is interconnected to everything
else in some way. Nothing living is in isolation, and we are require
other systems to survive—thus we are all in an interconnected,
interdependent relationship with everything else. I say this in a
non-hippy way, look at the design of a tree and you will see the same
fractile patterns in your lungs, your life is reinforced every few
seconds as you breath in oxygen that was produced free of charge by a
bunch of trees and phytoplankton.
live of a closed ecosystem that is perfectly calibrated for success.
Our bodies are small versions of this, and we benefit every second of
the day from the services that this giant ecosystem provides us.
of the human-created systems that we have, such as cities, factories,
governments and industrial food production, are failed emulations of the
way nature designs things because they have not been designed as a
system that nests within other systems. They are isolated and siloed,
linear and reductive.
is where humans have really messed up: we have made things based on our
reductive one-dimensional perspective of the world, rather than taken
on the more detailed, systemic and creative perspective of what makes
everything work on Earth.
when we are seeking to solve and evolve some of the more complex
problems humanity faces, we must start first with a shift in mindset
from the one dimension of a linear plane to a three-dimensional
perspective of the interconnected and dynamic nature of systems at play
in the world around us.
requires not only developing systems thinking skills, but also
understanding sustainability sciences and developing reflexivity,
creativity and fostering more divergent neurological practices that
enhances creativity. These 3 things form the pillars of a practice in
creative systems change and can be applied by anyone who has invested
the energy in learning the practice tools.
are not born ignorant to the systems that sustain us (hang out with a
curious 5-year-old to learn all about how nature works), and we know creativity is a learned skill that
maximizes the hidden potential of the human brain. We have the building
blocks for designing a circular and regenerative future.
Circular Systems Design
for circular systems is about considering the full-picture perspective
of how the status quo of the natural, industrial, and social systems
play out, and then uncovering ways of shifting these to facilitate
circular and regenerative outcomes.
some cases this is extremely complicated (like how to circularize spent
nuclear rods, for example), and in others, it’s a no- brainer (like how
to change our collective addiction to disposable items like coffee
cups). But all of the systems changes we need to design have the same
basic elements: people, products, places, and processes. They can all be
redesigned to maximize benefits and minimize negative externalities.
there is a level of complexity to this approach. But everything worth
doing requires work, and purpose-driven creatives in this world are at
the forefront of helping to activate this change from linear to circular
design. I will work on more content (additional to what I have already produced
for this new field) to help fuel this shift in the future, but for now I
encourage you to seek out resources that help you start to circularize
your thinking and doing in the world, from how you consume products
through to the decisions you make in your professional role.
are many narratives of the future being all f*$cked up, but I
personally refuse to believe in a dystopian future as nothing is
actually defined about what will happen next. We are all making up the
future based on our collective individual actions today.
The futures funnel concept (Candy, 2014)
is no definite fact that robots will take over our jobs and that
presidents will push the big red button, just as there is no reason why
we can’t rapidly change the way we get the goods and services we desire
and need. I am completely confident in our capacity as a species to
figure out how to be a sustainable and regenerative contributor to the
magic that is life on Planet Earth.
— —
If this is your thing, check out my 4-week advanced training in circular systems design,
an online rapid learning journey and mentorship program for
professionals wanting to level up their skills in circular systems
design (starting in Jan 4. 2018). I offer one-on-one mentorship and
tailored content to help get you to a confident knowledge and leadership
Beautiful illustrations by the talented Emma Segal
In this series on systems thinking, I share the key insights and tools needed to develop and advance a systems mindset for dealing with complex problem solving and transitioning to the Circular Economy.
I have taught thousands of hours of
workshops in systems, sustainability and design, and over the years
refined ways of rapidly engaging people with the three dimensional
mindset needed to think and work in circular systems. My motivation for
writing this online toolkit is to help expand the ability of
professionals to rapidly adopt to a systems mindset for positive impact.
have power, and in systems thinking, we use some very specific words
that intentionally define a different set of actions to mainstream
thinking. Words like ‘synthesis,’ ‘emergence,’ ‘interconnectedness,’ and
‘feedback loops’ can be overwhelming for some people. Since they have
very specific meanings in relation to systems, allow me to start off
with the exploration of six* key themes.
*There are way more than six, but I picked the most important ones that you definitely need
to know, and as we progress through this systems thinking toolkit
series, I will expand on some of the other key terms that make up a
systems mindset.
1. Interconnectedness
Systems thinking requires a shift in mindset,
away from linear to circular. The fundamental principle of this shift
is that everything is interconnected. We talk about interconnectedness
not in a spiritual way, but in a biological sciences way.
everything is reliant upon something else for survival. Humans need
food, air, and water to sustain our bodies, and trees need carbon
dioxide and sunlight to thrive. Everything needs something else, often a
complex array of other things, to survive.
objects are also reliant on other things: a chair needs a tree to grow
to provide its wood, and a cell phone needs electricity distribution to
power it. So, when we say ‘everything is interconnected’ from a systems
thinking perspective, we are defining a fundamental principle of life.
From this, we can shift the way we see the world, from a linear,
structured “mechanical worldview’ to a dynamic, chaotic, interconnected
array of relationships and feedback loops.
A systems thinker uses this mindset to untangle and work within the complexity of life on Earth.
2. Synthesis
general, synthesis refers to the combining of two or more things to
create something new. When it comes to systems thinking, the goal is
synthesis, as opposed to analysis, which is the dissection of complexity
into manageable components. Analysis fits into the mechanical and
reductionist worldview, where the world is broken down into parts.
all systems are dynamic and often complex; thus, we need a more
holistic approach to understanding phenomena. Synthesis is about
understanding the whole and the parts at the same time, along with the
relationships and the connections that make up the dynamics of the
Essentially, synthesis is the ability to see interconnectedness.
3. Emergence
a systems perspective, we know that larger things emerge from smaller
parts: emergence is the natural outcome of things coming together. In
the most abstract sense, emergence describes the universal concept of
how life emerges from individual biological elements in diverse and
unique ways.
is the outcome of the synergies of the parts; it is about non-linearity
and self-organization and we often use the term ‘emergence’ to describe
the outcome of things interacting together.
simple example of emergence is a snowflake. It forms out of
environmental factors and biological elements. When the temperature is
right, freezing water particles form in beautiful fractal patterns
around a single molecule of matter, such as a speck of pollution, a
spore, or even dead skin cells.
people often find emergence a bit tricky to get their head around, but
when you get it, your brain starts to form emergent outcomes from the
disparate and often odd things you encounter in the world.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it will be a butterfly — R. Buckminster Fuller
4. Feedback Loops
everything is interconnected, there are constant feedback loops and
flows between elements of a system. We can observe, understand, and
intervene in feedback loops once we understand their type and dynamics.
The two main types of feedback loops are reinforcing and balancing. What can be confusing is a reinforcing feedback loop is not usually a good thing. This happens when elements in a system reinforce more of the same, such as population growth or algae growing exponentially in a pond. In reinforcing loops, an abundance of one element can continually refine itself, which often leads to it taking over.
A balancing feedback loop, however, is where elements within the system balance things
out. Nature basically got this down to a tee with the predator/prey
situation — but if you take out too much of one animal from an
ecosystem, the next thing you know, you have a population explosion of
another, which is the other type of feedback — reinforcing.
5. Causality
feedback loops is about gaining perspective of causality: how one thing
results in another thing in a dynamic and constantly evolving system
(all systems are dynamic and constantly changing in some way; that is
the essence of life).
and effect are pretty common concepts in many professions and life in
general — parents try to teach this type of critical life lesson to
their young ones, and I’m sure you can remember a recent time you were
at the mercy of an impact from an unintentional action.
as a concept in systems thinking is really about being able to decipher
the way things influence each other in a system. Understanding
causality leads to a deeper perspective on agency, feedback loops,
connections and relationships, which are all fundamental parts of
systems mapping.
6. Systems Mapping
mapping is one of the key tools of the systems thinker. There are many
ways to map, from analog cluster mapping to complex digital feedback
analysis. However, the fundamental principles and practices of systems
mapping are universal. Identify and map the elements of ‘things’ within a
system to understand how they interconnect, relate and act in a complex
system, and from here, unique insights and discoveries can be used to
develop interventions, shifts, or policy decisions that will
dramatically change the system in the most effective way.
introduction to six key concepts are critical building blocks for
developing a detailed perspective of how the world works from a systems
perspective and will enhance your ability to think divergently and
creatively for a positive impact.
and teaching systems thinking for years has led me to develop
additional new tools, as well as employ these time-honored concepts from
the pioneers.
stands out to me as critical in order to make a positive impact, is the
ability to develop your own individual agency and actions. To do that,
you first have to wrap your head around the core concepts. I have an
online class where I explain all of this here.
Here are 11 key principles of systems thinking. For a fantastic introduction, please check out this article.
Everything is interconnected: We
live on a closed ecosystem called planet Earth where everything is
connected to everything else. Otherwise, it ceases to survive and
The easy way out often leads back in: If the solution were easy then it should have already been found.
Today’s problems are yesterday's solutions: We need to make sure we don't accidentally create tomorrow problems through today's solutions.
There is no blame in complex systems: Everything
is interconnected. Thus, it's impossible to ever find one culprit for a
problem. Systems have both the issue and the solution embedded within.
Parts are elements of a complex whole: Everything is part of something else; there are no isolated elements in a complex system.
There are no simple solutions to complex problems: We
need to embrace complexity in order to truly address complex issues.
Otherwise, we just deflect the problem to somewhere else in the system.
Small, well-placed interventions can have big impacts:
A well-designed, small intervention can result in significant and
enduring systems change if it is in the right place – this is called a
leverage point.
Humans make linear systems – nature makes circular ones: We can learn to create regenerative products and services through understanding nature's design principles.
Time changes complexity: Over
time, things naturally get more complex. Simplicity and efficiency are
very different things, yet we always think we can oversimplify
complexity or reduce it down to the sum of its parts.
‘Failure’ is discovery in disguise: If there is no blame, then there is always an opportunity to discover through failure.
Cause and effect are not related in time nor space: There
is a mismatch and often a delay in the relationship between the cause
of a problem in complex systems and the result (or symptom) appearing
On 25th September 2015 the United Nations will announce the sustainable development goals (SDGs), a set of goals that aim to make our planet fair, healthy and sustainable by 2030.
The SDGs will build on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals which were agreed by world leaders in 2000 and will expire in 2015. For background information and teaching ideas about the MDGs see Change the World in Eight Steps. Ar gael yn Gymraeg: Newid y Byd mewn Wyth Cam.
Here are some teaching ideas around the seven themes of the SDGs. Prior to using these resources you may wish to use Getting Critical about the post-2015 Global Goals to examine different views about development and think critically about what learners believe the next set of goals should include.
Theme 1: Poverty
- 8-12: Interpret and compare development indicators for the UK and other countries and explore the use of infographics to represent percentages. Try Session 1 in Everyone Counts Unit 3. Ar gael yn Gymraeg: Pawb yn Cyfri Uned 3.
- 7-11: Explore children's rights and use the case study of a school health club in Sierra Leone to learn more about the rights to good health, water and sanitation. Try Sessions 4, 5 or 6 in Children's Rights. - 7-14: Investigate what it means to be water vulnerable and learn more about the symptoms and causes of water vulnerability. Try the Learn and think about water vulnerability session plan in Water Week for Schools. Ar gael yn Gymraeg: Wythnos Dŵr. - 11-14: Use case studies of new mothers and a midwife in Ghana to investigate ways of improving healthcare for pregnant women. See Explore Birth Rights.
Theme 3: Education, skills and jobs
- 7-14: Send My Friend to School is run by the UK coalition of the Global Campaign for Education (of which Oxfam is a member). Find out more about the barriers to education and why 58 million children around the world are still out of school. See Oxfam's Send my Friend to School 2015. Further resources are available on the Send My Friend to School website. Ar gael yn Gymraeg: Danfona fy Ffrind i'r Ysgol.
Theme 4: A just world - Gender equality/Justice and peace
Political Solutions
We lobby leaders to influence international responses to conflicts and disasters, raising funds for relief work and pressing for swifter aid and ending the root injustices.
- 7-14: Develop English skills and learn about how, with the support of Oxfam, hundreds of families who survived the 2010 earthquake in Haiti are now growing fruit and vegetables in their backyards or on rooftops. See Session 10 in Stories from Haiti (7-11) and Stories from Haiti (11-14).
- 11-14: Get active by learning about climate change, writing or drawing personal messages to your MP and holding an MP meeting. See For The Love Of...
- 11-14: Use a vulnerability game, case studies and role to learn more about how some communities around the world are being affected by climate change and how they are adapting to it. Try Sessions 4 and 5 in Climate Challenge (11-14). Ar gael yn Gymraeg: Her Hinsawdd
Global Project Ideas provide an excellent starting point for pupils wanting to do a project based on Global issues, whether as part of the CREST Awards Scheme; as an extended project for their Duke of Edinburgh Award or A level, or as part of the Children's University Passport.
Our 'Getting Started' document is for both teachers and pupils and explains how the Global Project Ideas fits within the different schemes. The five Global Project Ideas sheets links to the Global Goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and give pupils ideas for a project and lots of links to other resources.
The teacher resources and pupil resources have been adapted from materials developed as part of our Girls into Global STEM EU funded project. They encourage classroom activites around global isues.
For more resources on global issues, which can be used to support the Global Project ideas please look at our Global goals materials.