
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Reduce Global Ocean Plastic Wastes


The United States should substantially reduce solid waste generation (absolute and per person) to reduce plastic in the environment and the environmental, economic, aesthetic, and health costs of managing waste and litter. There is no single solution to reducing the flow of plastic waste to the ocean. However, a suite of actions (or “interventions”) taken across all stages of the path from source to ocean could reduce ocean plastic waste and achieve parallel environmental and social benefits.

Decrease Waste Generation.
Actions at this stage reduce unnecessary use of plastics such as some single use applications.  Types of interventions can include product limits and targets for recycling and reuse.

Improve Waste Management (Prevent or Reduce Disposal/Discharge).
Action within this stage improves solid and other waste infrastructure, collection, treatment and management, including leakage control and accounting.

Capture Waste (to Remove Plastic Waste from the Environment.)
Improving waste capture from the environment before or after it enters the ocean is another intervention strategy.  This can include re-capturing wastes from stormwater or directly from waters where it accumulates, such as during river or beach cleanups or using retention booms.

Minimize Ocean Disposal.
This category reduces inputs of plastic waste into the ocean directly from vessels, point sources, or platforms and includes actions under specific laws and treaties relevant to ocean pollution. 

Other Activities (to Support Above Interventions)

Flow diagram of available plastic waste interventions from plastic production to recapture of plastics in the ocean. SOURCE: Modified from Jambeck et al. (2018).

Flow diagram of available plastic waste interventions from plastic production to recapture of plastics in the ocean.

SOURCE: Modified from Jambeck et al. (2018).