
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Civic economy and sharing economy

compendium for the civic economy

“The idea at the heart of the Big Society is a very simple one: that real change can’t come from government alone. We’re only going to make life better for everyone in this country if everyone plays their part – if change in our economy and our society is driven from the bottom up.” Compendium for the Civic Economy by the London-based research and design bureau 00:/ presents 25 cases on how we can envision the future, create a new form of economy, and organise society in the UK and elsewhere.

 In the context of a global financial crisis as well as complex social issues and environmental change, a growing and diverse number of change-makers are already working towards a different economy. Through organisation, connection with people and use of the best approach to collaborative investment, an alternative economic platform is on the horizon. Compendium for the Civic Economy contains 25 case studies showing how the civic economycombining the spirit of entrepreneurship with the aspiration of civic renewalactively contributes to community resilience, everyday innovation and shared prosperity. From local food growing projects to sustainable supermarkets, community waste-to-energy plants to cooperative telecoms services, these initiatives are having a tangible impact on the social and economic realities in cities, villages and towns.
The book advocates that people should not wait for the government to solve the crisis, but instead play an active role in facilitating the ventures presented here. It is truly an inspirational read for entrepreneurs, activists, policy makers and anyone who is concerned with community empowerment and ways to withstand the consequences of deep socio-economic and environmental crisis. Flipping through the pages, you can find what the fertile conditions are for this new economy to thrive and how to turn ideas into practice.


The Rise of Peer-to-Peer Companies

The sharing economy is a based on the provision of services or goods for a limited time from consumer (not a registered as a company) to consumer in exchange of a payment. This transaction is done through peer-to-peer platforms that facilitate the contact and enable consumers/peers to offer and buy products. This operation is based on trust as much as it is based on matching offers and demands from consumers/peers. These platforms constitute accessibility-based systems and are the support of a growing number of companies operating within the sharing economy.
sharing-economy en

The customer is always right

The sharing economy growth has been stirred by a combination of circumstances. Technology and communication media development are considered to be the main driver. Consumers’ increasing mistrust in corporations and finally the economic crisis has decreased consumers’ buying power. The raise of unemployment is also a strong factor that pressed consumers into searching for alternative to traditional business models that are more centered on their needs as potential suppliers and buyers.

Business challenges

Companies involved in the sharing economy in Europe still face several challenges. One of them is the lack of trust from the users’ perspective. The second is the availability of funding sources as many of these companies need to prove their ability at generating stable streams of revenue. Another challenge is business regulations and policies, or rather the lack of them.

This report from the Business Innovation Observatory explores all these topics and provides insights into the socio-relevance of the sharing economy, its drivers and the challenges it faces. The report concludes by policy recommendations that would facilitate the establishment of the sharing economy within Europe while regulating its activities and setting quality and safety standards.

The Sharing Economy: accessibility Based Business Models for Peer-to-Peer Markets
Case study 12
Business Innovation Observatory
European Commission, September 2013
