
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mindful Living Revolution

As mindful living revolutionaries, our primary tool (for the heart does not need weapons) is simplicity. When we become clear about our daily intention, and are willing to simplify our purpose without confusion, in other words, when we know that conscious compassionate awareness is our core commitment, nothing stands in our way. Everything in our life experience - every interaction with our self, with one another, with our world-at-large - becomes an opportunity and part of our transformation. Deborah Eden Tull

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing our attention and awareness on the present moment with a gentle curiosity, an openness, and a willingness to be with what is. This gives us the opportunity to disengage from the conditioned mind and let go of unskillful and unsatisfying behaviors and habits, opening ourselves to the world of possibility. Mindfulness is a simple pathway to personal freedom. We can bring compassionate awareness to every moment and every aspect of our lives - from our relationship with ourselves and others to our relationship with work to our relationship with the environment.

Through Mindful Living Revolution, Deborah Eden Tull offers weekly classes, workshops, retreats, and personal consultations, to support us all in our efforts to create a kinder, more sustainable world from the inside out. She also offesr a blog and daily awareness practices on Facebook. Her second book, Mindful Living Revolution: How to Live Sustainably from the Inside Out, is in process.

Deborah Eden Tull’s blog:

Join the Mindful Living Revolution Facebook page for daily awareness practices to cultivate a kinder, more sustainable world from the inside out.
