
Monday, July 29, 2013

Creating the big shift

by Stephanie Draper

So how can we make sure the decisions we make now shape a better energy system? Governments, companies and civil society all need to develop and scale the best solutions and we need to be more sophisticated and joined up in the way we act.

This is not easy. But help is at hand. Today we are launching a report bringing together our thinking on how we can create big shifts in whole systems. It explores how Nike is shifting the materials system, and what is happening in shipping. It is a starting point in sharing our learning to date about the process of change, and the start of a bigger conversation we are calling #theBIGshift.

So check it out if you want to know more about diagnosing barriers and finding the right places to focus your efforts. Or perhaps you are more interested in how to innovate collaboratively or how to increase your chances of scaling. There are stories, examples and resources on all of these in the report.

And we want to know what you think. At Forum we are constantly learning and developing our approaches, and we hope that our combined knowledge, skills and experience can help create #theBIGshift in energy and other sectors that we are looking for.

But I guess I am on my own with the boiler.

Related links:
