
Friday, October 12, 2012

More Evidence on the Growth of the Bicycle Economy

by Jeff McIntire-Strasburg

commuting by bike
number of reports over the last few years have illustrated the economic benefits of building bicycling infrastructure: from job creation to reductions in health care spending, investment in bike lanes and paths (as well as walking infrastructure) pays off. Now the League of American Bicyclists has updatedits 2009 study The Economic Benefits of Bicycle Infrastructure Investments, and the news continues to impress. Bicycle manufacturing, infrastructure development, and bike-focused tourism are still strong bets in an economy still struggling to grow. Nearby bicycling facilities even improve home values.
The update is a quick 28-page read, but if you just want a quick overview of some of the developments contributing to the growth of the bicycle economy, take a look at this graphic created by the League(click on it for a larger version):
economic benefits of bicycling infographic
Impressive, huh? And we still haven’t added in the health/wellness benefits created by such development. If you’ve seen how a commitment to bicycling can positively impact a community’s broad health, share your stories with us.
Image credit: via photopin cc