
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Teach Kind

TeachKind, the humane-education division of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a resource for teachers, administrators, andlibrarians who want to help students become kinder, more compassionate individuals. On this site, you'll find a wealth of materials that have been designed exclusively for caring and dedicated educators like you. You candownload free lesson plans or order free books, posters, leaflets, stickers, videos, and other resources. 

Why Humane Education?

Humane education programs teach students how to be responsible citizens. From caring for their families' animal companions to taking action to prevent animal suffering, students learn to be compassionate toward all living beings.

The Top Five Reasons for Promoting Humane Education

  1. It helps prevent violence and helps students apply the concepts of respect and kindness toward animals in their own lives.
  2. It helps students understand current and past social justice movements.
  3. It empowers students to realize that they can make a positive difference in their communities and the world around them.
  4. It motivates young people—who are naturally fond of animals—to become involved in a cause that they care about.
  5. It could change your students' lives … and maybe even your own!
FriendsTwelve states have recognized humane education's importance by passing laws promoting or requiring humane education in the classroom. The education code in California states, "Each teacher shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of the pupils … kindness toward domestic pets and the humane treatment of living creatures …." And in North Dakota, the law says, "Oral instruction in the humane treatment of animals must be given in each public school."
As an educator, you must be prepared to address any incidents at school or in students' homes that involve animals. Because of the link between cruelty to animals and family violence, it is essential that teachers recognize the signs of animal abuse and know how to respond to reports of any abuse that occurs at school and at home.
Teaching students to have empathy for other beings is essential to raising kind, compassionate citizens.