
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pachamama: Our Earth, Our Future

‘Children are often the driving force behind eco-friendly living’, says a new publication which gives them an international voice. Hundreds of children from every continent cooperated to prepare Pachamama: Our Earth, Our Future. Named after a word meaning Mother Earth in the Inca culture, it is a special youth edition of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook 2000. These extracts spell out a challenge from the generation with most at stake in the new century.

buy the book
Our Earth - Our Future
By Young People of the World

Marine & Coastal Areas
 Land and Food
 Polar Regions

 Pull the strings!
 ...and Action!
 If we ruled the World
 Emerging Issues
 What Scientists say
 What Others think

 What you can do!
 Eco times
 How green are you
 EcoMind Maze

Additional information and links
 Pachamama press release
 Global Environment Outlook - 2000

 Explanation of the graphic guides
used in this web site