
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Transport and Climate Change

The transport sector contributes to 23% of energy-related CO2 emissions and is the fastest growing sector in terms of GHG emissions in developing countries.

To encourage international action and to slow down this growth, GTZ, Veolia Transport, UITP and TRL have decided to join forces to encourage the recognition that transport can and should play in mitigating GHG emissions. Together we hope to achieve that a Post 2012 Agreement will be fully applicable to the sustainable land transport sector.
The initiative is strengthened further by contributing to the Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Partnership, of which all Bridging the Gap members are a part.

Our key activities-

Achieving Sustainable Mobility in Developing Countries: Suggestions for a Post-2012 Agreement

Transport and climate policy experts from GTZ and Wuppertal Institute publish a new article on "Achieving Sustainable Mobility in Developing Countries: Suggestions for a Post-2012 Agreement".
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This article links the need for reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions in develop countries with the current international climate negotiations.
Download the whole article here.