
Friday, May 22, 2009

A Place Called Ananda

The Trial by Fire that Forged One of the Most Successful Cooperative Communities in the World Today

by J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda)
A Direct Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda

You can find a brief biography of J. Donald Walters, as well as books and videos, at the official Swami Kriyananda website.

Listen to J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda) Read A Place Called Ananda
Individual chapters are available for listening with RealPlayer streaming audio.

This book shows that small communities of individuals seeking a new way of living can provide a model for the present age. A Place Called Ananda is dedicated to all those who want inner freedom. It proves that such freedom is attainable. Little groups of individuals can accomplish what large social groups have never been able to achieve.

The Ananda communities, in their history of over thirty years, have demonstrated that attitudes of kindness, sharing, and cooperation actually work.

J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda), author of over 85 books and composer of over 400 works of music, has devoted his life primarily to helping develop the cooperative community movement. Eight model Ananda communities thrive in America, Italy, and India. After numerous "trials by fire"–figurative as well as literal–J. Donald Walters, and those who chose to share this dramatic adventure with him, have succeeded to the point where theirs is a story that needs to be heard.

You will find in these pages a deeply meaningful story. If what you seek in life is greater inspiration and understanding, you will find here a fulfillment. The story is different, yes. In some ways it is highly unusual. Its underlying message, however, is universal.