
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bicycle Adventures

Many people value cycling for how it gets them where they want to go— they can commute to work while saving money, getting exercise, and contributing to a healthy planet. Have you ever thought of where your bike can take you—discovering new destinations along the way?

The spectrum of bicycle travel is broad, from taking an overnight trip to a near-by state park, a weekend adventure, a weeklong tour to a neighboring community, or embarking on an epic, cross-country cycling adventure.

Bicycle Travel Resources

Adventure Cycling Association Adventure Cycling Association is a nonprofit organization devoted to inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle, with over 44,000 members nationwide. Adventure Cycling offers:

Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators: each state has one and they can tell you where to get cycling maps for their state.

USDA Forest Service: familiarize yourself with your preferred national forest area, its recreational opportunities, and cycling regulations.

More trail options: learn about local greenways (such as the East Coast Greenway), rails-trails, historical trails (such as the Route of the Hiawatha in northern Idaho), & other shared-use paths that you can incorporate into your route.

Better World Club offers roadside assistance for cyclists.

Why Travel by Bicycle?

On a bike you can enjoy the journey, the company of family and friends, and the world around you, at “human speed.” Touring by bicycle emits 100% less emissions than a car and connects you with your community and natural environment, so you can:

What Do I Need to Get Rollin’?

Take Action: Bicycle Advocacy

Riding your bike is a great start, but making communities more bike-friendly and walkable, and consequently healthier, is the next step. Speak up about what matters to you and tell your community leaders why bikes belong. What can you do to learn more and get involved? Here are some ideas.

More Resources

What sort of bicycle tourist are you? Ken Kifer’s web page, Types of Touring Cyclists and Bicycle Touring Trips, offers an overview of some of them. If you already know what you need, try these links for more info: