
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lester Brown about Biofuels and Eco-Economics

In 5 short Big-Picture clips, Lester Brown gives his view on some of the most pressing issues today.[tt_news]=1524&tx_ttnews[backPid]=564&cHash=842594f531

The fact that these are from 2004 and 2006 show that experts like him foresaw things early and casts even more doubt on today's decision-makers understanding of complex issues. It is important know that Lester is very critical about the competition of Fuel vs Food.


A Future For Biofuels – Part One

Dr Brown explains that higher oil prices mean biofuels are now economically competitive. The sector is seeing huge growth as a result. But as more food crops are transformed into…

A Future For Biofuels – Part Two

Lester Brown predicts a massive growth in demand for the crops that produce biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel. These include soya beans, rapeseed (canola), sugarcane and…

Bottled Waste

Lester Brown draws our attention to the wasteful nature of bottled water. Tap water in most countries is perfectly OK to drink. Many public water supplies, in fact, are of better…

Eco-Economics: Part One

In this two-part series Lester Brown looks at two environmental trends, aquifer depletion and rising temperatures. He focuses primarily on the long-term implications these have…

Eco-Economics: Part Two

In this two-part series Lester Brown looks at two environmental trends, aquifer depletion and rising temperatures. He focuses primarily on the long-term implications these have…