
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Global Warming: A Mind Mapper’s Guide to the Science and Solutions

Global Warming (mindmaps) eBook


We have created the ebook, Global Warming: A Mind Mapper’s Guide to the Science and Solutions. It aims to present the science and practical solutions to global warming in an easy to read format.

The book contains 10 chapters that are broken up into the 4 main sections below:

ebook cover

1) Why we need change - Explores human nature in the face of environmental problems in the modern world, the science of global warming, the influence of big polluters (i.e. oil and coal companies) and the issue of overpopulation.

2) What to change - Looks at the different actions individuals can take to lessen their ecological impact are discussed as well as the role the government needs to take to successfully tackle climate change.

3) How to change - Discusses simple behavioural change strategies to help people to make the changes they need to make and ways each of us can connect with nature

4) Who has changed
- Presents what different people and organisations from all over the world are doing about the climate crisis.

To download a copy of this ebook click here. Please be patient while it downloads (it is 5MB due to the mind maps and other images).


“Fantastic Jane. Your ebook is really wonderful. The wholistic approach helps people think about their whole life, which is of course going to be necessary, but the suggestions sound really easy and possible”

Lesli Grant, educator

“‘I liked your eBook a lot and it really touched me. A nice way to write and a nice design. To some extent, I was amazed by it. The book really gave me hope and I especially liked the psychological examination. Let’s tackle the future and make a better world”

Thorsten Lange, Flensburg University Student