
Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Green Ways to Save Some Green $$

Given the current dire economic picture we thought we’d list a few ways folks can save some cash while making the planet a little greener.

  • Replace those incandescent bulbs with energy efficient CFLs. The price of compact fluorescent bulbs has dropped (I just picked up a 7-pack of 60 watt CFL’s for about $8 at Lowes) and they can last up to 10 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and save you over $30 in electricity over the lifetime of the bulb.

  • Manage the fuel consumption of your home by buying programmable thermostats that can be set to lower your heat when you’re not home or in rooms you’re not using on a schedule you control.

  • TVs, computers and many appliances and gadgets sip power even when off (vampire power). Plug your home entertainment do-dads and computer and peripherals into a power strip orSmart Power Strip that can shut them down when not in use. You’ll be surprised how much it will save you on your electric bill”�and turn off those lights when you leave a room.

  • Purchase larger containers of household cleansers (green ones of course) and things like liquid soap and re-use the individual dispensers. You’ll save money at the cash register and keep a bunch of plastic containers out of the landfill.

  • Get an under-counter or faucet mounted water filtration system and stop buying bottled water. At over $1 per gallon a family of 4 can go through several gallons of bottled water per week. A home water filtration system will pay for itself in no time, and keep all those plastic bottles out of the landfill and your recycling bin.

  • Drive that car green. Avoid quick acceleration, tail-gating and constant braking to save gas - and use that cruise control. You’ll be surprised how your mpg will increase if you drive a steady 65 or 70mph on the highway instead of your cop-dodging 80mph.

  • Ride a bike or walk instead of using that gas guzzler. You’ll lose some inches off your personal equator while saving on gas and emissions.

  • Use reusable kitchen towels, dishrags, cloth napkins and handkerchiefs. All those paper products cost you cash and destroy our forests.

  • If you’ve got a yard, spare room or basement use it. Try putting up a clothes line and air drying those threads. Big appliances like washers and dryers add a big chunk to your electric bill. Most power companies have lower rates off-hours so do that wash while you’re watching the Colbert Report and John Stewart.

  • Go DIY. Do it Yourself is always a money saver. Get a compost going to create your own rich soil for your garden. Get a rain barrel and save the water that runs-off your roof. Use old blankets or shirts to create a “Memory Blanket.”�

There are lots more ways to go green, reduce/reuse/recycle/upcycle and be sustainable. Chime in with your personal tips.