
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

David Suzuki - Climate Solutions

Greenhouse gas emissions can be greatly reduced many different ways. Most of the solutions involve increasing the efficiency of our energy use to reduce fossil fuel demand, while maintaining - or improving - our lifestyles.

Many of the potential solutions have benefits beyond greenhouse gas reduction, such as increased employment, stimulation of the high-tech manufacturing sector, and reduced urban air pollution.

A combination of public interest and government sponsored programs can make these solutions a reality.

Industry: Industry can reduce emissions in flexible, cost-effective ways that reduce waste and enhance long-term profits.
Transportation: A reduction in automobile use, improved fuel efficiency standards, and better public transit would reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as urban air pollution.
Urban Planning: Learn about the benefits of sustainable urban design, and how you can stop sprawl in your community.
Buildings: Effective building retrofits increase energy efficiency, save consumers money on heating and electricity bills, and are available today.
Green Leaders: Some businesses and municipalities realize the sound economics of climate solutions and have embraced innovation.

Learn More:

Energy: Learn more about clean, renewable energy, as well as conservation and efficiency.

What You Can Do: Simple changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference.