
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Permaculture and Community Resilience - Free online course




Permaculture and resilience free online course

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If you do not want to miss out on content and do not fully trust in the functioning of social media algorithms just subscribe here and we will send you the new content right into your mailbox.

Key design drivers

Before we get into the details and content of our COVID-19 Community Resilience & Permaculture Course, we want to share some of our values, beliefs and design drivers for this course. Our main design drivers are pretty solid and whatever we will change in terms of the structure and methods, our main purpose for this course will be consistent; we want to serve and increase resilience. By focusing on resilience and adding some more topics, techniques, and methods to the regular PDC curriculum we hope to
  • empower people in this time of isolation, uncertainty, and fear 
  • build resilience on an individual, community, and global level
  • create the foundation and confidence to change our reality towards something new

Expectation managment

This entire project is work in progress. The content is and will be produced just in time and on top of our daily community structure and workload. At Gaia Ashram, we are fostering our food production at the moment with the aim to become more independent from outside food supply. To achieve this goal we are dedicating time and energy towards working with the land and the plants. This by itself is already a healing experience.
Nevertheless, we are trying our very best for every bit of content (video, text, graphic) we are about to share with you. We put our priority in terms of energy input towards the quality of the thematic content as this is key! But we know how important pleasing and well-created images and videos are; especially for you guys to absorbe as much as possible. Because of that, we try our very best and we hope to increse quality over time.
If you have time, skills, or any other resources that you would be willing to dedicate to this course we are happy for co-creation and co-ownership. This is about impact and not about ego. Please send us a email if you have any idea how to make it happen! We also love to listen to your constructive feedback so please share your thoughts, ideas, and recommondations with us.
Furthermore, this online course is not designed to replace a “real” Permaculture Design Course. Please understand it as a first step into the permaculture world and a great foundation to foster independence and increase resilience in your individual life. Our next “real life” PDC will most likely start on November 25, at Gaia Ashram in Thailand. If you’re curious, you can find all details here.
Thank you for becoming active and being part of this course! Let’s make it together and create a new reality full of love, peace, resilience, independence, and stewartship.

Structure of the course

The online course is following the daily sessions we are holding at Gaia Ashram at the moment to increase our own resilience and knowledge. We started with the community sessions pretty much 2 weeks ago. By now we feel ready to bring it out to you and share it with our global community.

Whenever we will upload a new session it will be automatically updated to this page and highlighted as new content. To keep yourself up to date you just have to visit this website from Monday to Friday for new content. If you want to get the newest content right into your mailbox, just write us a short email to and we are happy to keep you on track.
We will start from patterns to detail and create an overall picture first before going into the details and the magic of the different permaculture tools and techniques. The content, tools and teqniques of permaculture are working under all climate conditions. In this course we will focus on temperate and tropical climates and will showcase examples from both climates.

Who can participate?

Everybody can participate! It doesn’t matter if you already have a some knowledge and experience or if you are just about to start to discover the permaculture world. The content is designed in a way that everybody will get the right thing out of it supporting your individual learning journey. The only requirement is to staying active and open-minded to new things and concepts.

Permaculture & Community Resilience Course Sessions

Let’s go to to the content and start our learning journey together. To get the most out of it you might want to follow the given strucutre and read and watch the content in the upcoming order.


Please have a look at this part first. After this you will
  • be able to manage your expectation with regards to the course structure and content.
  • have a better idea what this course will look like.
  • understand the power of co-creation and co-ownership
  • know how you can support this project with your expertiese and energy.


Turning problems into solutions at Gaia Ashram, an alternative education centre in Thailand. After this session you:
  • have an understanding about the framework condition this online course was emerging from.
  • will understand why we decided to serve and make this empowering permaculture content available for everybody
  • will know one practical example of the permaculture principle “Turning problems into solutions” as well as “Creativly responding to change”.


After finishing this session you will be:
  • introduced to flowful’s perspective on permaculture
  • introduced to an easy method to check and increase your level of resilience
  • able to distinguish between functions, elements, and methods
  • empowered to analyze your own next step to increase resilience or come closer to your goals

Session 3: Placement of elements

Interacting with nature the permaculture way. How to choose the right element and the right place? After finishing this session you will:
  • Be able to question yourself about why you are about to implement an element
  • Know the three aspects of placement
  • Be able to place a single element on your land.

Session 4: Implementing a Hugelkultur garden bed

This session is dedicated to implementing Sepp Holzer’s famous Hugelkultur to create a new garden bed (horticulture). After this session you will:
  • Be introduce the concept of a Hugelkultur garden bed
  • Know the 5 steps to implement a Hugelkultur garden bed
  • Understand what one Element many functions is about
  • Be introduced into the benefits of Hugelkultur:

Session 5: Permaculture Overview (Online April 14)

Session 6: Basics of Soil (Online April 16)

Session 7: Permaculture Principles (Online April 20)

Session 8: tba

The team behind this course

This project is way more than a flowful project. It is a permaculture jam where our global friends contribute their expertise and compassion to make an incredible learning experience and (online) community happening for all of us. For now, the following people are mainly involved:


Lars Blume Permaculture
Karla Franielczyk is a permaculturist, yoga teacher, and natural builder. Always attracted by nature, she deepened her connection with Mother Earth through becoming vegan and finally did her Permaculture Design Course at the Panya Project, Thailand. Living at Gaia Ashram for almost 2 years, Karla has been practicing permaculture in her day to day life. She is passionate about soil, ecosystem restoration, holistic living, social permaculture, and natural building.
Lars Blume discovered his love for gardening in his early childhood and was introduced to the magic of plants by his grandparents. While supporting them to grow fruits and vegetables in the family garden, he gained a basic understanding and a natural way of interacting with soil and nature. He is passionate about increasing social, environmental, and animal justice with a focus on food democracy. Lars’ key learning and one of the reasons to co-found flowful is to keep on learning and stretching the personal comfort zone every single day.


Fanny Dido Scatching the move
Fanny Didou is a graphic facilitator and graphic recorder. She founded sketching the move in order to support dialogue through a universal language: drawing. Fanny originally is from Britany in France and is currently living in Barcelona.
Sustainability is a key driver in the projects she is involved in. She is an illustrator and works with organisations involved in making an environmental and social change. She is also using creative methods in environmental education.
