
Friday, May 17, 2013

Designing For Generosity

"A gift culture is marked by 4 key shifts:
- from Consumption to Contribution (appreciate what you received and pay it forward)
- from Transaction to Trust (rely on our interconnectedness)
- from Isolation to Community (cultivate networks of gift ties)
- from Scarcity to Abundance (experience generative power of gratitude)
When small acts of giftivism get connected, it rekindles a gift economy." 

What would the world look like if we designed for generosity? Instead of assuming that people want to simply maximize self-interest, what if our institutions and organizations catered to our deeper motivations? This compelling TEDx talk explores this question and introduces the concept of Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that change the world. The video is charged with stories of such acts, ranging from: the largest peaceful transfer of land in human history, to a pay-it-forward restaurant, to a 10-year-old's unconventional birthday celebration, and the stunning interaction between a victim and his teenage mugger. With clarity and insight, it details the common threads that run through all these gift manifestations, and invites us to participate through everyday acts of kindness -- in an uplifting global movement.