
Friday, April 10, 2009

Poles Education Resources

You should all have heard of it by now: the Princess Elisabeth Station has been officially inaugurated! The celebrations took place in Antarctica on February 15th, in the presence of Belgian Ministers of Science Policy, Sabine Laruelle, and of Defense, Peter De Crem. Throughout the BELARE 2008-09 expedition, news, announcements, picture galleries and videos were published regularly on AntarcticStation. A final press release was also published to conclude the season.



January - April 2009

EducaPoles, the educational website of the IPF, has been following the development of Class Zero Emission. A press conference took place at the IPF's offices in Brussels on March 25th, officially launching the educational workshop. Great effort has already been put into the project, allowing schoolchildren from all over Belgium to better grasp the urgency of climate change and the importance of the polar regions in the global climate system. Reservations for these workshops can be filed online Educapoles. EducaPoles has also published the results of the "Draw your own zero emission station" contest.



January - April 2009

The end of the Antarctic season is also the beginning of the Arctic season. ExploraPoles, the adventure website of the IPF, is covering no less than 12 expeditions! Aside from an objective overview for each expedition, Explorapoles also offers regular updates and picture galleries. Recently, Christina Franco has had to abandon her expedition to the North pole and say goodbye to her hopes of becoming the first solo female to reach the pole.



January - April 2009

Since the last newsletter, SciencePoles, the scientific website of IPF, has published two articles on "The inauguration of the Kunlun Station at Dome Argus" and "The LGP: Using the Victoria Land Coast as a Proxy for Climate Change in Antarctica". It has also published a conclusive piece on "Princess Elisabeth Station: A Marvel of Sustainable Development" and five interviews: Dr. Jenny Baeseman on the IPY APECS project, Shulamit Gordon on the Latitudinal Gradient Project, Dr. David Carlson on the IPY; and two separate interviews with Paul Mayewski, one on climate variability and civilization, and another on the Greenland Ice Sheet Project and the International Trans Antarctic Expedition. Polar science news dispatches have also been published on a regular basis.
