
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Planet Mobility

A journey towards a sustainable future.

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WWF's One Planet Mobility programme aims to identify and inspire the changes needed to transform personal mobility – a sector which focuses on transport used by people in their everyday life (e.g. cars, aviation and public transport).

The One Planet Mobility report arose out of a series of six meetings between more than 30 European organisations from government, business and the community with an interest in all aspects of personal mobility. It outlines some of the suggestions, solutions, plans and partnerships that have been developed so far through the One Planet Mobility programme.

The report outlines actions that can be put into practice immediately as well as considering the long-term social changes that are required. Key themes in the report are outlined below.

Barriers to change

  • Prices don't reflect true environmental and social costs.
  • The focus is on political quick-fixes.rather than investment in long-term solutions.
  • Consumers don't get enough incentives for choosing low-carbon options.

Solutions to overcome barriers
Solutions developed by stakeholders in the One Planet Mobility process can be grouped into short, medium and long-term outcomes.

  • Short term –ready to go: where stakeholders agree actions can be realised in the short term. For our personal mobility work, this includes developing an agreed framework to compare emissions from different modes of transport.
  • Medium term – experimenting with alternatives: where stakeholders only roughly agree on the changes required. Experimentation and pilot projects are needed to test new ideas which could transform,the system in the medium term. Examples include a pilot project on the electrification of cars in a city context, and creating exclusive lanes for coaches on motorways.
  • Long term – questioning underlying assumptions: where we re-evaluate mainstream beliefs and paradigms through informed deliberation. This could include thinking about the possibility of creating societal change, and business models that enhance quality of life while involving less and possibly slower travel.