
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Earth 2100 - global project on reporting from one future!

To change our future, first we must imagine it.

In an unprecedented television and internet event, ABC News is asking you to help answer perhaps the most important question of our time — What could our world look like over the next one hundred years if we don’t act now to save our troubled planet?

The world’s brightest minds agree that the “perfect storm” of population growth, resource depletion and climate change could converge with catastrophic results.

We need you to bring this story to life — to use your imagination to create short videos about what it would be like to live through the next century if we stay on our current path. Using predictions from top experts, we will feed you detailed briefings from the years 2015, 2050 and 2100 — and you will report back about the dangers that are unfolding before your eyes.

Your videos will be combined with the projections of top scientists, historians, and economists to form a powerful web–based narrative about the perils of our future. We will also select the most compelling reports to form the backbone of our two–hour primetime ABC News broadcast: Earth 2100.

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Luke Taylor
Subject: Fwd: ABC News, Earth 2100 - global project!
Date sent: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:08:34 +1000

I'm an associate producer with ABC News in New York City. We are producing a 2-hour documentary special called
Earth 2100. It's a look at what some of the world's top scientists, economists, and historians say could happen to our planet if we maintain our present course. We will explore how the convergence of climate change, resource depletion and population growth could destabilize our world by the year 2100 if we don't act soon.

We have launched an interactive website at , inviting people from around the world to help us shed light on what it's like to live in this future by submitting 1-3 long minute videos - from the years 2015, 2050, and 2100. We will choose submissions to include in an evolving web- based story about the dangers of our current path, and we will also select some of the most compelling videos to appear in our prime time ABC News special: Earth 2100, airing in early 2009.

I was looking at your website, and I am hoping you could spread the word to the Sustainable Living Foundation community and invite people to participate in our global project . We're looking for people to submit videos over the next several weeks ! This is a incredible opportunity to join others around the world in shedding light on issues facing our future.

Below is a summary that you can feel free to pass around. Many thanks! I look forward to hearing from you.

Sarah Namias
Associate Producer
ABC News, Long Form Unit
157 Columbus Ave, 4th fl

NY, NY 10023

(ph) 212-456-4687

ABC News wants YOU to report from the future
In an unprecedented television and internet event, ABC News is inviting you to help answer perhaps the most important question of our time- what will our world look like in one hundred years if we don't act now to save our troubled planet?

In an upcoming 2-hour special,Earth 2100, the world’s brightest minds will take us on a journey through the next century to reveal how the "perfect storm" of climate change, resource depletion, and population growth could destabilize our world - and they'll tell us what we can do to change course.

We have launched an interactive website inviting people across the globe to create short video reports depicting the future. Using predictions from top experts, we will post detailed scenarios from the years 2015, 2050 and 2100 and we’re asking you to imagine your future world!

We will choose submissions to include in an evolving web-based story, and will also select some of the most compelling videos to appear in our prime time ABC News broadcast: Earth 2100, airing in early 2009.

This is a unique chance to join others around the world in shedding light on issues facing our future.

Luke Taylor
Sustainable Living Foundation
Level 2/140 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: 9249 1888
Fax: 9249 1899