
Monday, July 14, 2008

Simple Things to Know

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1. Trees are not forests. You need forests if you want to save the planet and its animals – including humans. Forests take even longer to grow than trees, and a thousand seedlings don’t replace a single old growth tree.

Big old trees produce water, drawing it from the atmosphere and ground to replenish the world. A single big old tree can have up to twenty hectares of leaf surface area, on which a huge mass of water condenses each night.

Old growth forests with intact canopies can generate twelve million litres of water per hectare or more each and every year, and add this water to local streams and water tables. Newly planted trees, on the other hand, suck water from the ground at a rate of up to six million litres per hectare per year. See Trees- Guardians of the Earth The best way to store carbon and save the planetary ecosystem is to stop cutting down trees. Planting more trees is a great idea – if you plant a broad diversity of localised species, and if you intend to leave most of them in the ground.

A plantation is not a forest – it’s a soil-destroying, water-sucking factory operation. Wood pulp produces terribly inferior paper and destroys irreplaceable forests and ecologies. Cutting down forests while banning superior, longer-lasting alternatives is actually criminal behaviour, engaged in by monopolies that have successfully avoided anti-tort legislation. Hemp paper is superior in every respect to wood pulp and can be farmed without need for massive pesticides or gigalitres of water – but most forests are provided for free to ecology-devouring corporations, by ‘governments’ that are just packs of well-bribed lawyers. Any money returned to the public purse from logging is usually paid back to the companies through subsidies and freely provided infrastructure.

3. Plenty of viable alternatives already exist to fuel and power our civilization. Various forms of free energy are not only real – many have been patented. The Earth swims in a vast sea of energy which can easily be tapped to provide totally free electricity.

You can run your current vehicle on gas – not hydrogen – derived from simple water. One litre of water produces thousands of litres of usable gas that you can produce yourself with ease.

Free energy sources make it possible to accomplish anything we can dream of, including repairing this planet - and accessing other ones. Free abundant energy is available to everyone, and it’s the prerequisite for true freedom. Electrical power is economic and political power and free energy means no more oligarchic monopolists – no more oleaginous oil barons, old kings coal or unclear nuclear madmen. That’s why there’s no point waiting for industry or governments to provide these devices and technologies, or even let you know they exist. You have to do it yourself – or work with someone who can.


4. Money doesn’t exist and the emperor has no clothes. The world’s economic system is nothing more than a fable spread by unscientific inept bean counters who call themselves ‘economists’. The entire global monetary system is a rort designed to keep everyone’s eyes off the real inequity inherent in the system – and the fact that a handful of control freaks ‘own’ almost all the world’s real wealth.

Forty percent of the world’s wealth is co-opted by institutions that produce nothing at all – bankers and other fine ants in the swarming insect hives of identically suited clones. Financial jugglers and sleight of hand specialists tie up almost half of the world’s economy and suck the planet dry. The world’s economic system is a colossal confidence game based on promises of never-ending growth that must one day be broken. It’s a pyramid scam in which the first ones in are the only ones who can win – and it only works for a while because another sucker (consumer) is born every minute.

While everyone continues working for madmen, few can’t see that everyone on the planet could be housed, fed, educated, healed and entertained for ‘free’ – if most of the wealth wasn’t sucked into the infinitely greedy gullets of gangsters, warmongers and conmen that most people mistake for leaders and pillars of society. Money certainly doesn’t equal merit, and any so-called meritocracy is doomed to become a corrupt den of nepotism and undeserved privilege. Meritocracies are neither democratic nor egalitarian.

Anyone who holds onto an excess of money is corrupt and the only routes to supreme wealth and power – and the only ways to hold onto them - involve weapons and death. An excess of anything implies a lack of balance, and hording money is a sign of dangerous greed and insecurity, a lack of trust in providence and Humanity that inevitably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - if you can call alienated disappointment a ‘fulfilling’ lifestyle.

Money is literally invented and shunted from one hidden account to another in a modern electronic sleight of hand. It’s an open secret that many groups have the ability to totally bamboozle the computerised accounts in which everyone is forced to place their trust and Trusts. You can be elevated to wealth in an instant or have all your assets disappear just as quickly in the New World Order.

Identity theft is a very low-level aspect of a thoroughly falsifiable system that controls the lives and fortunes of presidents and potentates – and you. Intelligence agencies control everything on behalf of unseen masters; they display a narrow-minded one-track intelligence, with no integrity or wisdom beyond the ruthless dictates of racist dynasties. All true power flows down from the unseen observers at the top of the societal pyramid.

Keeping workers on the edge of terror and making them afraid of losing everything they’ve worked for – terrified of being thrown into the deliberately maintained underclasses of poverty-stricken ‘underprivileged unfortunates’ - is all it takes to keep most people from seeing the truth or rocking the boat. Modern citizens are all slave labourers on the Titanic, and the unsinkable ship of civilization is headed for an iceberg we could easily avoid. Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly enough lifeboats - and the ship’s owners think there are too many passengers anyway.

In the uneconomic hypnotic surreality under which most people live, something is only ‘worth’ what someone is prepared to pay for it. Nothing has any intrinsic value at all and everything – and everyone – becomes equally disposable. The world isn’t a precious pearl of paradise but a resource to be exploited and cast aside – like human beings.

Oil and food are not more expensive because of some sudden scarcity, or even because of increased demand – they’re more expensive because the ‘owners’ of these resources are charging us more for them, because they can; we let them get away with it. The world’s wealth has been sequestered by individual families for their own gain. It’s that simple. Do I need to name names?

You can read more in this link