
Monday, May 25, 2020

Fragile vs. Resilient Food Systems

Source: Films for Action

"Covid is shining the spotlight on the fragility of the linear systems that we have come to rely on.

In many countries, particularly in the US, the food system has been thrown into chaos. The industrial food system is inherently fragile. One missing link in the chain means the entire process grinds to a halt.

There are alternatives. 70% of the world's food is produced by smallholders (5 acres or less) and distributed to their local communities. Where I live in Central Victoria, we have created a thriving food network similar to the food systems that existed worldwide before industrialisation changed the way we eat. In our world, if one element of the network fails, there are many more to pick up the slack. A network like this can respond to change. It can adapt. It has humans at its source, so a bad year for one small farm provides an opportunity for the community to help out. In a system of people and not corporations you will never see millions of litres of milk thrown away or abattoir workers being forced to work when they're sick. You will not see the overt disregard for animal rights and the destruction of planet, climate and indigenous lands. You will never see millions on tonnes of food rotting in the fields while supermarket prices rise.

Creating resilient food networks is an exciting space, and many local councils, farmers and groups are bringing about positive and lasting change in this field. Check out what's going on in your area, find and meet your farmers, and plant food everywhere." - Brenna Quinlan

Monday, May 18, 2020

Stories for a Regenerative Culture


“Relation is the essence of everything that exists.”
— Master Eckhart

When we look closer, we discover that Life is an explosion of relation, everywhere around and inside of us. From the biology of our bodies, to insects and plants, communication between trees through mycelium circuits... Relation is in the DNA of Life. Interaction and interdepedancy are part of our essence. We, humans, are in relation with ourselves, others and nature. All our senses, feelings and emotions are potential gateways to connect. These invisible and indivisible bounds relate us to Life at each moment.

In The Great Relation, we wish to share the beauty and mystery of this constant ocean of relation and bring light to creative ways in which Life experiences itself through human beings that are looking for more conscious and regenerative ways to relate to her.

A filmmaking project for a new culture

In these times of great transition, our aim is to communicate meaningful  projects and stories that bring healing and regeneration to the  individual, collective and environmental dimensions of our world.

We are exploring the potential of human beings to create a more conscious and regenerative way of living on this planet. These exploration goes from the design of resilient settlements, like intentional communities and ecovillages, and the discovery of practical ecological solutions, to spirituality and different approaches to relate more consciously with one another, heal our cultural wounds and traumas, and many other topics.

Our dream is to contribute to the flourishment of human consciousness through films that inspire to relate deeper with ourselves, others and nature.

“How do we change the world? Change the story.”
— Charles Eisenstein

Inner Climate Change


How do we navigate the intensity of emotions and reactions stirred up by climate change, or COVID-19 for that matter? How do we come to a place of peace, compassion, forgiveness and life-affirming action?

Both leading edge science and ancient wisdom traditions point us inwards for the answer.
In this documentary you will go with us on a journey to see how our inner climate relates to the topic of climate change. And how changing from within will create the change we need.
The INNER CLIMATE CHANGE documentary focuses on the very personal experiences, insights and responses to the climate crisis, of people who participated in the Climate Change and Consciousness conference (CCC19) held in 2019 at the Findhorn Ecovillage in the northeast of Scotland. Conference participants included 350 youngers and elders of multiple ethnicities and diverse genders from 45 countries.
How to work with your inner world?
The Findhorn Foundation Community has almost 60 years experience in working with the inner world. Use our resources on your own inner journey.